I put together a simple seat lock mechanism to hold the seat down and keep curious hands out of my underseat storage area...
It's almost too simple... voilĂ !

One nice thing about the location is that it doesn't interfere with the seat latch that comes OEM with the Ruckus.

A simple loop of steel cable fastened by two terminal crimps provide a quick and easy way of securing the seat to the built-in helmet lock.

It took me some time to determine the best location for such a beast.
The length of the cable is critical for the mechanism to work properly, so I recomend making a few different lengths and try each one for fit.
Fasten the assembly via the inside of the user manual compartment using a good size pop-rivet WITH a backing washer for support; fastening from the inside will seat the rivet flush to the wall, that way your scooter manual will fit back into place.
Works like a charm!